FREE Bible Prophecy Seminar Coming to Spencer, TN

Begins Friday, March 24, 2023 • 6:30 p.m.

Reserve Your Seat Now!

The Bible Will Be Our

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What Others Are Saying!

“We were so concerned with recent events and the world we would bring our children up in, but now we have hope!” – Megan

“I now understand Bible Prophecy for the first time in my life and have hope for the future! Now I know the news behind the news headlines and it all makes sense. This seminar delivered on everything it promised and really was free. Don’t let anything keep you from attending. It will change your life!” – Noel

Don’t Miss Opening night!

March 24, 2023 • 6:00 p.m.
Burritt College
445 College St
Spencer, TN 38585

Our Gifts To You!

  • Free Admission!
  • Free Study Materials
  • Free Refreshments
  • Free Child Care
  • The Bible will be our Guide!

Meet Our Presenter

Pastor Rick Greve serves as the Ministerial Director for pastors of East Tennessee. He enjoys sharing biblical insights with individuals and groups, having shared in foreign countries including Ethiopia, the Philippines and Romania. He has been married to his wife, Denel, for 42 years and has two young adult children and two granddaughters. He is excited to share these biblical messages with people of all faiths in Spencer and the Van Buren county area.

Experience deeper faith and hope for the future.



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