FREE Bible Prophecy Seminar Coming to Clemmons, NC

Begins Friday, July 14, 2023 • 7:00pm

Reserve Your Seat Now!

Register Today – This seminar will change your life!

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What Others Are Saying!

“We were so concerned with recent events and the world we would bring our children up in, but now we have hope!” – Megan B.

“I now understand Bible Prophecy for the first time in my life and have hope for the future! Now I know the news behind the news headlines and it all makes sense. This seminar delivered on everything it promised and really was free. Don’t let anything keep you from attending. It will change your life!” – Brian T.

Don’t Miss Opening Sessions!

July 14, 2023 • 7:00pm
2500 Neudorf Road, Bldg. 6, Suite F
Clemmons, NC 27012

  • FREE Admission!
  • FREE Study Materials
  • FREE Children’s Program (ages 4-9)
  • FREE Parking
  • Register now for this Live, In-Person Event.

    Meet Your Speaker

    Dale Pollett has brought purpose and insight into the lives of thousands by revealing Biblical insights that have been there all along. His presentations of Bible prophecy give new guidelines for living and new hope for the future! Where are we headed in these uncertain times? Do the prophetic books of Daniel & Revelation have a message for us today? A succession of colorful beasts rising from the sea, a colossal metal statue in the desert, the mystical number 666, a pregnant woman & a fiery red dragon, the opening of Revelation’s Seven Seals – the vivid imagery of Bible prophecy comes alive in these presentations focusing on the teaching of Scripture.

    Experience deeper faith and hope for the future!



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