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The Bible Will Be Our
“We were so concerned with recent events and the world we would bring our children up in, but now we have hope!” – Megan
January 20, 2023 • 7:00 p.m.
Genesis Center For Better Living
1813 El Dorado Pkwy W
Cape Coral, FL 33914-7614
Dr. Roger Lucas: In these times when people around the world are interested in what current events might mean in relation to thoughts about the “end-times”, Roger Lucas, Ph.D., pastor of a new church in Cape Coral, thinks that there can be a standard against which to measure the multiple interpretations – that standard is the Holy Bible. Dr Lucas will be the presenter of an area-wide seminar on Bible Prophecy called “Unlocking Revelation Seminar”. He believes that in an age of uncertainty, God’s word provides solid answers about topics such as: How to Understand Bible Prophecy, The Rapture, Antichrist and the End-Time, The Meaning of the Mark of the Beast and 666, The Truth About Angels and Life After Death, God’s New Heaven and New Earth, God’s Plan for Your Life, and How to Have Faith and Hope in the End-Time
Pastor Lucas has his Ph.D. in New Testament Studies and has presented these topics to hundreds of people in audiences in various locations around the U.S. and has taught related subjects to religion students in college settings. His seminars have benefited people of all faiths and are designed in a format for people with busy schedules.